Mission Statement

The Illinois Animal Welfare Federation believes education of leaders is paramount to advancing the care, treatment and respect of all animals.  As leaders in animal welfare, we provide valued and respected resources to community members, elected officials and animal organizations.

Our Purpose

To act as a strong, unified voice for the protection of all animals.

To assist animal humane societies, animal control facilities and other animal welfare organizations in strengthening their organizations and programs.

To promote the kind and humane treatment of animals and the enforcement of laws for the protection of animals.

To provide and promote training and education of humane investigators, animal control officers, and other animal welfare workers.

To gather and distribute for the use and benefit of its members and the public, information regarding pending and existing federal, state and local animal welfare legislation and to promote a Federation position on proposed legislation.

To encourage cooperative, supportive, and collaborative relationships among  humane societies, animal control facilities, and other animal welfare organizations.

To engage in such other activities as shall encourage and promote kindness, consideration and prevention of cruelty to animals and also to exercise all other powers, rights and privileges conferred by the laws of the State of Illinois.

Code of Conduct

Without a doubt, IAWF members benefit from the educational opportunities provided at our annual Prairie States Conference and EBI training workshops.  It is our hope that participants in these programs also benefit from the opportunity to meet colleagues from around the State with whom they can partner, collaborate, or even commiserate, as the case may be.

We see this fostering of friendly relationships as an important part of our mission. In a business that makes relentless demands and requires emotional resiliency well-beyond the norm, we offer a place where we can all come together and lift each other up.

It is in this spirit of friendship and mutual respect that we ask our members to abide by the following Code of Conduct. 

1)  To ensure consistent, transparent communication, IAWF Board of Directors approval is required if IAWF members would like to use the  IAWF name, brand, logo, etc.

2)  Ultimately, we are all after the same goal, which is to help animals in need. Public disparagement of other animal welfare agencies and/or individuals only drives a wedge between groups and makes it more difficult to find the best solution to an issue.  As such, IAWF members agree to NOT disparage other IAWF members, non-member organizations, or individuals. If a member has a concern about the care being given to an animal(s) at any organization or by an individual, there is a moral obligation to take proper action to help said animal(s); however, public disparagement is not an acceptable response.  Examples of public disparagement include, but are not limited to:

○        Social media posts about the animal(s), organization or individual in question;

○        Direct communication to an organization’s or individual’s supporters, friends, family, leadership, staff, volunteers, etc. using

■        Non-factual information

■        Derogatory language

■        Harassing language

■        Racial, cultural or religious language;

○        Dispersing non-factual information via social media, text, phone calls, email, USPS, etc. about the organization or individual in question.

 3)  Very seldom is progress made without disagreement. We encourage open conversation between IAWF members, but for this to be productive we must all agree to treat one another with respect. IAWF members agree to be respectful to other agencies and individuals, even when we disagree with each other.

4)  Rumors and hearsay not only risk the perpetuation of false information, they often are hurtful to agencies and individuals alike. IAWF members will refrain from spreading hearsay and rumors to avoid causing undue emotional pain.

5)  The IAWF is an organization centered around collaboration. As members, we believe in helping each other whenever possible and will therefore share helpful information with other members to further ensure best practices are known by everyone.

Illinois Animal Welfare Federation
PO Box 10473
Chicago, IL 60610

© Illinois Animal Welfare Federation
PO Box 10473
Chicago, IL 60610
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