Illinois Animal |
Prairie States Conference ScholarshipCan't fit Prairie States Animal Welfare Conference into your budget this year? Consider applying for a scholarship. Illinois Animal Welfare Federation will be awarding a total of 7 scholarships in the categories below. Scholarships will cover conference registration and three room nights at the hotel. The conference registration includes most meals.
Complete the online application by Friday, April 11, 2025. Preference will be given to first-time attendees. Please only submit one scholarship application per agency. Recipients will be notified by April 30. Questions? Contact Emergency Grant FundingSuffering through a catastrophic event at your shelter? The IAWF offers immediate assistance to animal shelters and animal control facilities that have experienced a significant event damaging or negatively impacting their shelter building or grounds. If your agency is an Illinois Department of Agriculture licensed animal shelter or animal control facility, you can apply to the IAWF for financial aid to help you through this type of crisis. Your request will be reviewed quickly and, if approved, funds will be forwarded as quickly as possible. To submit a request, email with a description of the emergency, the number of animals and staff affected, and a list of your immediate needs. Please indicate the amount of funding you require and how the money will be used. The IAWF reserves the right to limit awards based on available funding. Recipients will be required to submit a report describing the use of funds within one year and will be asked to return unused or reimbursed funds to the IAWF. |