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Prairie States Conference a Huge Success

After seeing a 35% increase in attendance in 2023, we are excited to share we had another 34% increase for the 2024 Prairie States Animal Welfare Conference!

Here are a few of the comments from our attendees:

  • The session lengths were ideal, and the frequent short breaks were nice. The food was excellent. I loved that there were sessions for all aspects of animal welfare and the speakers were all good! I loved meeting other ACO's and being able to network. The after-hours activities and social aspect were great! I loved the comradery between ACO's and shelter workers. We all need more of that. Very well-done conference.
  • It serves as a reset for my brain--it is far enough from home to have the separation, but still driving distance. It enforces all the good things my shelter is doing and gives ideas for improvement.
  • My favorite thing was the feeling of inclusivity and the lack of feeling judged. I have attended SO many conferences that were very field services heavy and felt very much like the "good old boys" ran the show. This felt far more comfortable, kind, and welcoming. Truly 10/10 all the way around. Hotel, food, presentations, everything was pretty phenomenal!
  • The session lengths and frequent breaks were perfect. The speakers and content were all above average. Loved all of the comradery and networking, as well as after-hours socializing.

 If you missed it, be sure to check out the line up to see the fantastic line up and make sure to mark your calendar for next year - June 1-3, 2025.

Questions? Contact Angie Wood, PSC Conference Coordinator, at prairiestates@iawf.net.

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors!






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